Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well, I have finally updated the's only taken me 2 months. I've been getting some hate emails of no new pictures - I had lost my memory card reader for a bit and there were some issues....
I thought I better update by tonight because I start my Master's Class tomorrow. I am doing it online, so I don't have to leave the house - which I am excited about - and if I double up on classes...I will be finished by February! So wish me luck and wish me luck to be able to update the blog as well!

Enjoy the pictures of Kinsley!

Hope all is enjoying the warm weather!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl, how do you have time to do all of this, love to see the updates and wish I were so organized. I can't believe she's 3 years old. the girls will be 5 in June, and we still haven't gotten together....we'd better do that before our kids grow up. LOL Lourena