Sunday, March 8, 2009

Just another Lazy Sunday!

Spring is in the AIR....I want it to stay!!! I am ready to pack up her winter clothes and start wearing all the cute things she has for spring and summer! I've been sick most of the weekend and today I was feeling a bit better. We went to Mom and Dad's for lunch and then Rach and I took Kinsley outside. She of course loved it - played with Sophie....
The last few pictures of Rach and Kinsley are Kinsley looking at Rachie's stomach (She just had gall bladder surgery) and Kinsley keeps having to check on the booboo's. She did the same thing with Gregg's knee surgery last week - He had a torn maniscus...So she is loving looking at the surgery scars! She is probably going to be a nurse - because I don't want to see part of it!

Do you see that, Mommy?

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