Friday, March 27, 2009

Kinsley's 3rd Birthday Party

Kinsley had her third birthday at Tag Gymnastics on March 21st. It was so wonderful seeing all of our family and friends. Kinsley loves seeing everyone and she loved being able to do gymnastics with all of her friends and family.

It's funny that Kinsley is out with TODD while all her friends are doing gymnastics...

She does love Todd! Align Center

Kinsley's amazing Princess cake, made my Sweet Promises Bakery (check the link out on my blog) It taste even better!

Present time!
She was so funny - she would act like she was reading the cards. She loved opening the presents and loved all the presents. She got some great presents...all that she did not we have had fun playing with all the new and neat things!

Thanks guys for making this day so wonderful!

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