Friday, March 13, 2009

Kinsley is famous

Check out Kinsley's famous video. We had Seuss Day at our school to focus on Reading. We wore our pj's, had a party and had special visitors. Kinsley was our special visitor. She read the ABC Book, by singing her ABCs. She loves this books. She read it in front of my 19 kids, the newspaper photographer, my principal and myself. She did great! Here is a video of Kinsley singing, my principal - Robin talking about the days events and myself reading the book at the end. It was really put together great!!

Click "Kinsley's Video" to view the presentation!


Anonymous said...

that is awesome! kinsley is so gonna be famous!

(well more famouser!)

dr seuss has inspired me to wear pajamas to work also... i have worn pj's every tuesday since february.

my boss is not so into it. mainly because i sleep without a shirt.

just kidding, just kidding!

i really am impressed that kinsley would get up there in front of all of those kids and do her abc's, that's really cool.

now if you could just get her to teach your class everyday you'd be set! ;-)

Gregg, Tabitha and Kinsley said...

Kevin! If I could only do that! That would be so awesome! I am going to start working on this - right after she wakes up from her nap!