Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Weeks Full of Fun

Wow, this week has been a great week. I so enjoy being off with Kinsley, plus she has gotten older and now we can talk in conversations and have the best time. I am going to hate going back to work - because I AM NOT READY! 2 more weeks - ugh!

We have had a great time going places and shopping in the evenings. Gregg is onto 2 a day football practice, so we have had a girl's week and we have had a blast!

Wednesday, he did not have to do practice in the morning - so we had a great family day. We went on tons of errands and then to Chuck E Cheese. Here are the pictures of our fun day!

We've gone swimming at BeBe and Poppa's a lot lately....Here is Auntie Rachie being a dork! ha!

I found this picture on Gregg's phone from about a month ago - I loved it!
We went to Kelly's house with Carson and Camden to swim in the pool - she had a blast. She jumped off the diving board and had a blast with the boys!

She loved the motorized boat (we went and bought one later for BeBe's House)

She got real serious and decided to stand and drive...she can drive it all over the pool and turn and everything!

We went to the Creative Discovery Museum with Carson and Camden and of course they had a blast. The kids play so good together...Thank Goodness!

Here are the doctors working on a patient!

Kinsley had a to get on the table to help with the patient!

Carson gave the patient MOUTH to Belly Button - a new invention!


Everyday with the Edwards said...

How fun! I wish we had a children's museum like that here!

The Wallaces' World said...

You guys are having a great summer! Tons of fun! I can't wait to see her!