Saturday, July 5, 2008

L = W ---Speech Problems

Kinsley has a bit of a problem with her L's. She says them with the 'W' sound. In order, to not let this become an even bigger problem, I've been working with her a little bit each day. I say words that start with a L and emphasize the L - L - L sound each time.

One time I said, L - L - Love....She said it back....I wanted her to say it in a sentence, since that is the true test, if they can say it when they actually talk...I said to her.... I L - L - Love you....she said back...... I L - L - Love You, too!

I cracked up! She is too funny!


Everyday with the Edwards said...

That's a good idea. Leah pronounces her Ls with a Y sound most of the time, but sometimes she'll say it correctly, so I guess I should really work with her as well.

The Wallaces' World said...

This is too cute! I can just hear her saying that.