Well, we are excited to say that Gregg got a new job at Central High School!!! He will be teaching Drafting and will be coaching football at the same time! He excited about it as we are too...but a little sad as well...Because many things have changed because of that....One, he will not be at Notre Dame (even though, Joseph will be there....so we will still be attending the ND games for another season, since this is Joe's last year) and 2nd, Kinsley had to change daycares. She went to Memorial's Daycare because of Gregg working at Notre Dame, so a change had to happen. She will not be at Jones Memorial, which is 3 minutes from our house, cheaper and we will not have to pay for the weeks we have off - which is wonderful! I know her teacher, as we worked together at Summer Camp and I teach with her Mom - So I feel she will be taken care of - and Kinsley seems to love it. She keeps telling everyone about her new school. Ironically enough, on vacation, Kinsley was playing with a girl in the pool that attends Jones Memorial and will be in her class - Now how funny is that...I took that as a sign from God that it will all be ok - since I had been praying about the change for about a month now!
Here are some pictures of Kinsley's last few days at school....We had a party for her class and Kinsley gave a cake for the teachers and all they have done for Kinsley over the last 2 years....
It was very hard, and of course, I cried the last day - I went there, Rachie and Joe did as well. I worked there for 7 or 8 years as well, and knew so many people there....

Here she is right before I took her to school on her last day. I took her picture on this same couch 2 years ago when it was her first day~

Sleeping on her cot...Gregg and I came for the party and got there early to take a picture of her napping~

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