Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kinsley's Big Girl Bed

Well, it is hard to believe that Kinsley has moved from her baby bed to her big girl bed. She was so excited about having her own big girl bed!!! She talked about it forever. So we finally did it...Here are some before and after shots of her room.

I have to say, that is very sad to see the baby bed turn into a big girl bed. I cried after she went to sleep, because I know that was the last little thing that made her a baby, even though she has already been acting so grown for awhile.

She loved sleeping in her bed and when she woke up the next morning....She came walking in our room and climbed in our bed - which was weird. She said, "Hi, Mommy!"

I had to put this picture on here, because I just love her eyes!

Her baby bed that Mom and Dad bought for her, turned into a full size bed....

Here she is sleeping, after it was all over.....


The Wallaces' World said...

OH,I can't believe it! Ilove her bed, it is so pretty!! She is such a big girl!
I cried too when Shelby moved up, it is sad. :(
Yea! Kinsley!

Everyday with the Edwards said...

I love her new bed! It is sad that they have to grow up, isn't it? I am glad she did well, though!