Sunday, June 1, 2008

Random Fun at Our House

I could not pass up the cute pics....They are randomly taken over the last few months. I am trying to get caught up on our pictures and then it is my hope to put our pictures on here often, so you can check on Miss Priss and her family!

Here we are at Gilbert Steven's Park...She loves all the fun things here!


She likes to go BIG on the big swings!

She had a blast, as you can tell! We had Pizza for a picnic and then played - she was so tired!
She slid down the poll like her Fireman, Poppa!
She is not afraid of anything, which is very scary!
Go Kinsley! She has "Peacocks" in her hair - aka Pigtails, but that is what she calls them!

::::Here we are at Avery's 2nd Birthday:::
She loves to swing!

Gregg had to swing this little girl. We have no idea who she is, but she wanted Gregg to push her. We were cracking up! Gregg is a sucker, but such a good guy!I'm outta here. She packed up and was leaving!

Mrs. Marlene gave this precious outfit to Kinsley and I just love it! Of course, she is a ham!

She looks so tall now -

Princess Kinsley, April 2008

Kinsley's school picture. They did the whole dress up theme!

Kinsley loves helping her Daddy mow the grass!

Here she is sharing a little secret with her Daddy!

Notice the sunglasses on her head!

Here is our little munchkin, age 2 - singing her ABC's. She can also count to 16 and spell her name...But getting attention to do that is hard to do!

1 comment:

The Wallaces' World said...

OK, I am busting a gut with the swing girl!! That is HILARIOUS! I love the playground pictures, Kinsley is always smiling and having so much fun! I'm also glad to see Gregg mowing. hehehehe... ;)