Another day at the beach....Life is rough!

Kinsley needs another circle.

Mom got this bathing suit for her, at the dollar tree for a dollar...It is precious on her!

She caught a fish!!!!!!

Showing Rachie the fish she caught. She carried it around FOREVER!

Kinsley riding the waves.

They caught a ton a fish today....So she decided to feed some of the ones that stayed out of the water too long while Kinsley was holding them, to the seagulls. They gladly starting flying by us and then Gregg decided to throw the WHOLE bucket full at them...Probably about 40ish and The birds went crazy!!!!!! Kinsley just stood and watched. I was in shock and jumped up and ran and got Kinsley afraid they would get her.

Ready to ride the waves again...

We went out to the Oyster House tonight, another favorite or ours! Kinsley was helping me put stuff in the to go box and she just put the whole plate in the box, thought that was a bit easier!

We feed the fish and birds after dinner! Kinsley loved it and the fish were huge....

The gang out by the dock!

My pretty girl!

Kinsley and her BeBe!



Playing on the playground out by the dock...

Laughing at someone's joke. She is a character!!

We left and went to Zeke's - which is a large fishing marina. We love to see the fish boats come in and see their catch. We took some pictures out on the dock.

3 generations!

Kinsley was more excited about the fish.....We have to take her fishing for big fish very soon! She adores it...and is not scared to get her hands dirty like her Mom!

What do they see?

A view of the dock!

Some of the fisherman's catch!

As soon as we got home, she went straight for the snack closet....Pulled out the bag of chocolate and had her a bit of a snack before we hit the beach for some more fishing!

We went with our flashlight, so we could see some crabs as well. We saw one tiny crab and of course she wanted to hold it. It was quite cute!

Red sails at night, sailors delight - Red Sails in the Morning, Sailor's take Warning!
It was true, tomorrow would be another perfect day!

Some of her catch....Tons of fish!

She would get so excited and loved when they would flip around!!!!!

The gang looking for more fish for Kinsley to catch!

She found a sand castle to play with -
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