Becky asked us if we wanted to come to VBS at her Church - Kinsley has gone every year and enjoys the fun. They do an awesome VBS with the grown ups getting really into it. Kinsley enjoyed the whole evening (6 - 9). Minus the MOUSE skit, she still is a bit afraid that the Mouse Lady is coming after her. What is bad, is the skit was funny, with a cute little pregnant lady that was loud (which Kinsley does not like) and she dropped a box that had a mouse in it. Well the place went wild looking for the mouse and Kinsley thought they were all afraid of her. So every time we saw her, she freaked out. We left a bit early, since she was only with us when it was whole group time - so Kinsley would not be nervous.
Other than that, Kins loved it. Jenn and her sister (Emy) were in charge of her group and she loved all the fun activities.

Kinsley and Jenn (Jenn's cousin Adam to the left)

Making a storm

Gluing water on the paper of Peter.

Adding some final touches.

Jenn heling Adam and Kinsley.

Having another snack. Kinsley was loving this.

Kinsley playing with Play-Doh with another teacher

Outdoor fun....Kinsley waits with her hand behind her back (just as the teacher said)

Though our focus tonight was Peter and the Storm and how he walked on water....It was a beautiful day and felt great for the outdoor activities.

Making waves for the boats.

Being "BRAVE"

Running from the storm.

Running through the storm.

Adam and Kinsley heading back in....We had a blast!
Thanks Becky and Jenn for inviting us and all who took such good care of Kinsley! We enjoyed it so much.
1 comment:
She is such a doll and seems to have fit in really well with the big kids!!!
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