Kinsley is a fish....She wants to go to the pool all the time...."Poppa's Pool," that is! Don't even call it anyone else's pool - she knows who keeps it looking nice. It cracks us all up. Since it is already in the 90s here in Chattanooga - EVERYDAY! We spend a lot of our time at the pool. It's the only way to make it. Kinsley has started to swim around by herself and jump of the side off the pool - and I know a diving board would be easy for her too - if we had one. She has no fear, which, is very scary!

Asking me, to please get into the pool.....She could not wait.

Rachie swimming around with her.

She puts her hands under her chin to hold her head up out of the water. This is how she was when she first started to mouth open!

Chatting with Poppa

Showing Poppa how she jumps into the pool.

Swimming around, showing off her new skills with her Auntie Rachie.

She cracks me, up....This face! I did the same cheesy face - just look at my baby book - ugh!
We all went out to lunch and then came home to swim - Kinsley could not wait, she was undressed and already in with her Daddy byt the time I got done changing!


Mommy and Kinsley, she loves taking pics like these and then saying, "Let me see."

When I got out there, Gregg was teaching her how to swim....So she was ready to show off.

Our little fish!

Daddy has been building a deck on Saturday (and a bit on Sunday too); so he was so excited to spend it with his "punkin," has he has called her since she was born...She was so excited to have him around and to show off...She likes showing off....imagine that!

She loves to pretend she is sleeping....and without even saying anything - she decided to take a nap - it was cracking up....Then she laughs!

Get Ready....

Get Set....

Wow, Kinsley! She goes all the way under....and comes up laughing!

There she goes....This was the first time we let her go...Ok, Gregg let her go...I would probably still be holding her when she was 10! But, Daddies are brave, Mommies are not!

She was just a getting it....She was loving it....

The she decided to lounge around on this....a bit easier!

SCARY! Auntie Rachie - doing a bit of diving! hehehe

Kinsley decides to be like Rachie, of course!

What a relaxing day....She went all over the pool.

Hanging out in the pool. We are so proud of Kinsley, I know she will just keep getting better and better. It's hard to believe that she is only 2 sometimes!

The gang always plays Volleyball and Kinsley had to be in on it too....

She just hit the ball, and gets so excited! It's precious to see her in action!


She is loving life!

Here she is resting a bit....She likes to sit on the Swing here and cheer for the group. BeBe had just went to get more ice and Kinsley and her were 'secretly' throwing it to everyone in the pool. She would die out laughing when she got someone. She had a blast!
Here are some videos of today....I just had to show you guys, in action!
Ok, these are all too cute! Kinsley is such a big girl! I am cracking up at how much she is like you, Tabitha!!
She is a doll! Those videos are great!
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