It is going to be a record breaking summer...We can tell already! It is so hot and the only way to stay outside, is to enjoy the cool water! Well, Kinsley likes the thought of it....But wants us to run with her in the water....She does not want to brave the sprinkler without us. With Gregg's foot still healing form stitches, that leaves me....

Trying to get her to go into the sprinkler alone!

Now completely running around the sprinkler to not get wet at all! What must the neighbor's think! hehe

Now running on the other side of the sprinkler, it is getting to be quite funny!

Dora Tried to get her wet, well she will show her!

And off we go - through the sprinkler....I was more wet that she was - great!

"Why does Dora keep getting me wet?"

Finally, we have all had enough - we are hot, and had to come in and cool off...Kinsley decided to play Rock Band!
Either way, we had a great time, and it as always it is so fun to be around Kinsley and see what she will think of next!!!
Maybe our next sprinkler visit, will actually get us wet~
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