Saturday, June 7, 2008

Camden's First Birthday Party!

Well it is hard to believe that Kelly's littlest boy has just turned ONE! But he did. Kinsley was so excited to go to the birthday party - especially since it was a cool swim party! Kelly has always wanted to have a summer baby to have fun outside; especially in the pool - but dang, the weather was so hot. But of course, Kinsley loved every single second of it!!!! She had a blast and the party was a complete blast!!!!
Kinsley, hanging out in the baby pool for a bit.

Crusing around in her car.

Kelly pulling her in a turtle.

Camden, ready to jump into his cake. He had a blast and kept offering Kinsley and I, bites! Kinsley was disgusted by his mess - since she is a person that can't get anything on her hands, even dinner without saying, "I need to go wash my hands."

Oh yum!

Back to the pool after the do a bit of tanning. BeBe keeps talking about my white legs!

Cruising again!

She had a lot of fun in the little pool - I am going to get Gregg to go get one for Kinsley, so we can have in the back when she gets hot - we can just cool off!

The present Kinsley got Camden, tons of Sand and Water Toys - Kinsley had a blast shopping for him. "He like dis (this)," she would say.

The only way I could get her to leave was to tell her, that we were going to BeBe's to swim again....She did not want to leave! It was a lot of fun, and it was good to see Kelly's family (my family from college).

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