Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kinsley's (Imaginary) Lightening Bug

One things for sure, she loves to be creative and has a great imagination, even at two. She cracks us up as we play store or pretend to call people. I have one particular funny story that will leave you wanting to hear more from her!

We went to VBS last and on the way, Kinsley said she caught a lightening bug (In the car - in the middle of the day). I said, "Oh, let me see." She was happy to let me look at it and even asked if I would like to hold it (while driving). I said - of course! I turned to her at the stop light and said, "Kinsley, what is his name." She waited, and I could just see her thinking .... She finally said, "Roadie." I CRACKED up....I'm trying to keep a straight face and do not want her to ever stop being so creative so I went with and we talked about Roadie and held it back and forth to the church.

On our way home, we stopped to give Mom and Dad something and Kinsley told BeBe about Roadie....BeBe asked to hold it and very enthusiastically said, "Oh, it just 'lightened' in my hand." Kinsley looked at her very seriously, and said, "No, it didn't."

Once again, we are left laughing!


Everyday with the Edwards said...

I love it when they do things like that!!! Their little imaginations are wonderful!!!

Ashley said...

that is too funny! She is precious!

The Wallaces' World said...

OH, this is HILARIOUS!!! I love it!