What an awesome time we had and they WON.... can't beat that! We went up to Oak Ridge and had a cookout with Seward (Gregg's Dad) and McKenna (our niece). We spent the afternoon with them and Kinsley had a blast. We then headed toward Knoxville for the game. Kinsley did not have a nap because of all the fun at Poppy's house, so I was a little bit nervous...But she did fine! We had box seats so it was roomier and she was able to walk back and forth between all 6 of us. Our seats were right by the bathroom and food court - so Kinsley was very happy. Here are some picture of our fun trip.
At the end of the game, Kinsley said, "It's night-night time, Mommy!" Then when we got in the car she said, "Can I go night-night." She had the best time and enjoyed cheering for the "Bolls" aka "Vols."
We stayed on the boat so we did not have to drive home, since it was a night game. Kinsley had a great time of course on the boat too.
Don't forget to watch the VIDEO at the end - It doesn't matter how many times you have been to a game, this still is way too awesome!~

Kinsley and her Joe Joe

My beautiful girl!

Rachie studying before the game! What a nurse nerd!



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