Saturday, October 25, 2008

Boo In The Zoo

Boo in the Zoo is has grown over the years and this year it was sooo crowded. But, Kinsley loved it and had a great time. She was not scared of the characters, which is very exciting as we want to have a Disney trip soon....

Riding a pony - which she was dying to do!

This was her throwing the ring around the coke....We let her do this, because three times in a roll, she threw it BEHIND her....Ugh, it was a sad day for someone who played softball most of her life....

Kinsley had a great time.....Here we are on a hayride...Which she LOVED!!!

She even went behind Dora and said, "She has a backpack!"

Don't look at that scary child, look at the back of Kinsley's head...she is decorating a yummy cookie!!

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