Friday, October 17, 2008

I-Max in 3-D

Gregg was on Fall Break this whole week, so I took off on Friday to have a wonderful family day. We took Kinsley to the I-Max for the first time - they are quick 45 minute shows that are in 3-D. Being a member of the aquarium, you get a discount - that is even better!

Kinsley loved it. We saw the Dolphins and Whales show so I knew she would. She looked so cute in the 3-D glasses. It first came on and then saw the big whale coming at her and she immediately leaned to the left to get out of its way. Then dolphins came on the screen and she tried to touch them. I, of course, had tears in my eyes. Usually a day does not go by that I have tears in my eyes when I am around this precious child!

Gregg had to go to football to get ready for the Friday night game. It was cool, so we decided not to go to the games....Kinsley and I went to get our pumpkins and we made goody bags for her class and for the family.

She was so serious about the goody-bags. She made sure no one was skipped and everyone had the same thing. I was cracking up because I did not think a 2 year old would really get the concept of putting a piece of candy in each bag. She even made her one, and she would switch pieces so she would have the best flavor! Too cute!

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