Saturday, October 11, 2008

Prater's Mill

We always look forward to Prater's Mill....Down close to Tunnel Hill...The drive is not too long and we always enjoy the crafts, fun and of course food.

Kinsley touched an alligator - the child is not scared of anything!!!!

She has taking a liking to leaves...every where she goes - she has to find the most unique leaf...If you spend, one minute with her, you will know she is a nature lover. I was wanting to take a picture of her and her leaf so I would always remember her love of leaves....
I told her to put it by her face, so I could take a pic - and this is what I got - literally by her face.

Wow - it is so big!

Listening to the entertainment.

Just relaxing with her Poppa and listening to the singers!

Our train / tractor ride - she loved it!

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