Friday, October 31, 2008

Kinsley's First Haircut

Kinsley is over 2 and half years old and has never had her hair cut...So I thought it was time and I had been thinking about it for we did it!! I didn't cry...but I do realize that she is growing up and I can't stop it...and it is breaking my heart!

I only cut an inch off, but I think it looks so much shorter!!! ( I did save her little curls)

Happy Halloween

Kinsley was a princess...imagine that....She dressed as Cinderella...No crown...She does not like to be inconvenienced.
Kinsley and Avery....Neighborhood friends!
I love this pictures...

Hanging out in the neighborhood, before going trick or treating.

Avery's Mom...From Hooville....Kinsley could not stop looking at her hair!

Kinsley is a wild trick or treater...she thinks if she pulls up her dress...she gets more candy! It worked for her on this house!!! (Really, she was showing her dress off....but it looks a bit weird!)

Over at my parent's neighborhood...They all had to go to Joe's LAST football game....

Kinsley and her Daddy....and the street I grew up on....Loved the way the pic showed 'the hill'

Kinsley telling Callie, to get up here....(Callie is my parent's cat, who thinks she is a dog) She follows Kinsley around the whole neighborhood.

Gregg and I took Kinsley to the Mall this year for trick or treating....We went to a few of the stores....she had a great time just walking around and seeing everyone! Every few seconds, she would scream out HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Gregg and I could not stop laughing! It was such a fun night!

We had to stop in at the pet store...they were giving away free fish as their treat (WHAT???) We gladly got their too late!

Kinsley trick or treating!

Kinsley played in K B forever!

Kinsley at the neighbor's...."Her PawPaw's" She loves hanging out at the neighbor's house.

Knocking on the doors...

Trick or Treating!

Kinsley with all her goodies...
Literally, we only went to less than 10 houses...10 stores...and this is what she got!
All the neighborhood people had her huge goody bags!
It was so sweet and she loved every single bit of it!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Parade of Costumes

My school has a parade of costumes each year, and it is amazing how much more fun it is when you finally get a little one for yourself! Kinsley was shy at first, but then warmed up and had a great time....

Dianna with her oldest grandbaby, Ada....Dianna and I have taught 1st grade together the last 8 years. We have a great time with each! The girls love seeing each other as well.

Dianna's daughter with new baby, Ellie!

Kinsley and Mommy having a great time!!

The two Cinderellas!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Gymnastic Fun

She is loving her gymnastics and is constantly dancing around the house....She has also started taking Ballet, which she is using the lingo and it is so cute!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Boo In The Zoo

Boo in the Zoo is has grown over the years and this year it was sooo crowded. But, Kinsley loved it and had a great time. She was not scared of the characters, which is very exciting as we want to have a Disney trip soon....

Riding a pony - which she was dying to do!

This was her throwing the ring around the coke....We let her do this, because three times in a roll, she threw it BEHIND her....Ugh, it was a sad day for someone who played softball most of her life....

Kinsley had a great time.....Here we are on a hayride...Which she LOVED!!!

She even went behind Dora and said, "She has a backpack!"

Don't look at that scary child, look at the back of Kinsley's head...she is decorating a yummy cookie!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Kinsley starts Ballet

Well, she loves dancing and her school overs the classes at unbelievable rate....She has now started taking Ballet and she can't stop talking about it! Here are the pictures of the day! Her teacher sent these pictures to me today!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hanging out in the Backyard

We all played in the backyard - Frisbee.. Kinsley loves throwing it - though she does not get the directional thing - but I think I just learned a few years that is understandable! Fun times...