Monday, August 4, 2008

Shopping Fun - For the Girls

School's starting and that means tax free weekend shopping - and that means the girls are hitting the mall! I got Kinsley some cute clothes for super cheap - you know me - I love deals! Kinsley was so good while I shopped for about an hour and half. She sat in her stroller and never complained - so I promised her that we could go to Libby Lu's and then to the Little Nursery. She loves doing this at the mall.
Here she is being Hanna Montana - she has glitter in hair and Loving it!

Looking at the babies at the Little Nursery

Rocking her baby.

Being a good Mommy, that I know she will be one day!

Laying down with her babies to get them to sleep (The same thing we do with Kinsley!) So cute!

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