Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pink Eye

Well, the good thing, I updated the blog from the last month....the bad thing...Kinsley had pink eye and I had to get her from school early. You would not know she had anything wrong with her, she acts completely fine. But we have eye drops and he gave her meds for her nasty nose as well, in hopes we are not there next week with an ear infection. She weighed 28 lbs.

As we go on the "elebator" to go to our car, there was a 16 year old on the elevator and Kinsley turned to her and said, "I got my eye fixed." and then said, "I got my heart fixed." (Since the doctor listened to her heart too - It was so cute!

She came home and took a 4 hour nap and I got lots of things done! YEAH!

She is staying with her BeBe tomorrow and she is so excited about this! So wish us luck putting eye drops in her eyes!


Everyday with the Edwards said...

Oh no, hopefully it goes away soon!!!

Anonymous said...

this is really random, but I left for college about a week ago and I was googling camp adahi because I was missing it and I came across your camp adahi post. I remember working this past camp, and I remember your little girl! she was soo cute and I remember telling my friend about "the cute little girl that she would've wanted to scoop up". I was the one who was leading Traveler when she rode, and I'm probably the one who chattered your ears off about random Traveler facts. also, random sidenote, I got really excited when I saw my car in the background of the picture where she's waiting by the ring... don't know why... but thank you for posting the pictures and bringing back some good memories :] she's too cute