Friday, August 15, 2008

Football Season is in Full Swing

It's football time in Tennessee - well High School that is!

Well here we go again! It's that time again! We are so excited to attend some football games! Kinsley and I will be sporting our normal Green and Gold for the Notre Dame games along with Purple this year for Central Games...We have tons of games to attend - I am sure you will see lots of pictures of Joe - # 58 - and of "Coach Daddy." We are heading to the Jamboree tonight for ND and tomorrow's is Central!

The next night Rachie, Joe, Jason and I went to the Central game and got to sit in the Sky Box, we had a blast and Central WON!

There's Gregg!

1 comment:

Everyday with the Edwards said...

She is too cute! I love her little sassy poses!!!