Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pink Eye

Well, the good thing, I updated the blog from the last month....the bad thing...Kinsley had pink eye and I had to get her from school early. You would not know she had anything wrong with her, she acts completely fine. But we have eye drops and he gave her meds for her nasty nose as well, in hopes we are not there next week with an ear infection. She weighed 28 lbs.

As we go on the "elebator" to go to our car, there was a 16 year old on the elevator and Kinsley turned to her and said, "I got my eye fixed." and then said, "I got my heart fixed." (Since the doctor listened to her heart too - It was so cute!

She came home and took a 4 hour nap and I got lots of things done! YEAH!

She is staying with her BeBe tomorrow and she is so excited about this! So wish us luck putting eye drops in her eyes!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Where Do Babies Come From?

Kinsley's teacher at school, Mrs. Jill, is pregnant. So we have been talking about babies and that Mrs. Jill has a baby in her belly. We were laying in the bed talking before she went to sleep and she said, "It got there through her mouth."

I said you are so right!

Got to love her!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Scissor Fun

Kinsley has started loving using the scissors and she likes to cut the paper. She is doing a good job....she goes in and gets the computer paper and cuts the now we have tons of paper all over the house and fridge - showing off her new skills.....Hopefully I will not post a later post saying she cut things she SHOULD NOT!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Joe's 17th Birthday

Joe Turns 17 on Aug 20 - and is a senior in high school. I can't believe he is so old!

Joe's annual scrapbook that Mom does for him!

The X-Box games were going strong! I'm a bit addicted of the Call of Duty game along with them!

Kinsley and Alicia....had a great time!

Charlene and Marlene (Daughter and Mom)

Kinsley loved this card from Luke - she opened it and shut it to hear the noise over and over!

They had a great time playing in the yard.

Eimly played with the girls in the pool, it was nice to sit and watch!

Auntie Rachie!

Kinsley left her swimmies on while playing in the yard - extra safe!

Alicia, the little monkey - climbed on top ....

....which meant, Kinsley had to do it too!

Jenn thinks she is too cute - hehehehe

Friday, August 15, 2008

Football Season is in Full Swing

It's football time in Tennessee - well High School that is!

Well here we go again! It's that time again! We are so excited to attend some football games! Kinsley and I will be sporting our normal Green and Gold for the Notre Dame games along with Purple this year for Central Games...We have tons of games to attend - I am sure you will see lots of pictures of Joe - # 58 - and of "Coach Daddy." We are heading to the Jamboree tonight for ND and tomorrow's is Central!

The next night Rachie, Joe, Jason and I went to the Central game and got to sit in the Sky Box, we had a blast and Central WON!

There's Gregg!

Monday, August 11, 2008


We are so sad to see Brian, Paula, Olivia and little Lacey off to Japan...but Brian got a chance of a life time with his job and off they go. We had not seen Olivia in awhile and it was the first time meet Lacey who was born in the middle of June. The girls had a great time playing with each other and I know we will keep up with ech other through emails but we are still sad to see them....Who knows, maybe we will just pack up and spend a week in Japan with them!

On our way out the door - a little baby bird was on our porch - Kinsley could not believe it!

Olivia is in first grade this year! WOW!

Lacey is here, we've waited a long time for her to arrive!


The girls!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kyle's 17th Birthday

It's hard to believe that the boys are 17. But Kyle turned 17 in July and we celebrated the party at their new house. Kinsley and Alicia had a great time playing in their backyard and in her room.

The birthday boy with all his friends playing X-Box.

Aunt Becky and Rachie playing ball with the girls.

Kinsley did not like any bit of Alicia sitting her HER Bebe's lap!!!!

She loved this motorized car!