He Did It!
We have never been so excited to make the trip to Nashville to see Gregg graduate. Saturday, June 28, 2008 - we made the trip and had a great day to mark the occasion. First off, Graduation....Then we went to the Aquarium Restaurant at Opry Mills! It was absolutely wonderful, plus tons of fun! They have a sting ray reef that is beside it that allows you to pet and feed the sting rays, visit the 15 exhibits, play games and ride the never ending carousal! Needless to say, Kinsley was in heaven! She rode it about 10 times. Here are some pictures of our fun and exciting day!


Gregg walking into the auditorium!


The whole way up there Kinsley said we are going to Daddy's Graduation! She was so excited, so when she saw him...She screamed out "That's My Daddy!" Everyone around her was laughing! It was so sweet....I was crying!

So happy!

Our princess!

After the graduation, we stopped to take some pictures of the family!

Seward, Gregg and Connie - (Gregg's Mom and Dad)

Rachie, Babs, Kinsley, Tabitha, Gregg, Joe, and Marty - (My family)

Rachael and Robby (Her fiance)
Now, on to the restaurant! What fun we had!

Connie and Rachie touring the big aquarium in the middle of the restaurant!

Kinsley loved all of the sting rays and fish in the tank!

I took this picture on the other side of the aquarium...The small one that was in a wall...She could not understand why I was with the fish...

Poppy and Kinsley....She got tons of attention from everyone....She was a great trooper for all of this sitting and waiting on graduation!

We even got to see a diver feed all of the fish! WOW! Kinsley kept saying, Where is the Man?

Here we are riding the ride.....

Daddy letting her touch the sting ray, of course she did! She asked me if I wanted to touch it and I said NO!

Joe feeding it shrimp!

Gregg has his whole hand down his mouth in the back! UGH!

Kinsley did not want to stop....

Riding it again!

and again!

Got Joe to ride it this time!

and again....
Robby took some really cool shots of the buildings across the street! I put a link to his photography business he is doing on the side....

It truly was a wonderful day and we are so proud of Gregg and sticking with his goal he set out to reach!
We love you, Daddy!!!!!!
Love, Your Girls