Saturday, June 28, 2008

Gregg's College Graduation Ceremony


He Did It!

We have never been so excited to make the trip to Nashville to see Gregg graduate. Saturday, June 28, 2008 - we made the trip and had a great day to mark the occasion. First off, Graduation....Then we went to the Aquarium Restaurant at Opry Mills! It was absolutely wonderful, plus tons of fun! They have a sting ray reef that is beside it that allows you to pet and feed the sting rays, visit the 15 exhibits, play games and ride the never ending carousal! Needless to say, Kinsley was in heaven! She rode it about 10 times. Here are some pictures of our fun and exciting day!


Gregg walking into the auditorium!


The whole way up there Kinsley said we are going to Daddy's Graduation! She was so excited, so when she saw him...She screamed out "That's My Daddy!" Everyone around her was laughing! It was so sweet....I was crying!

So happy!

Our princess!

After the graduation, we stopped to take some pictures of the family!
Seward, Gregg and Connie - (Gregg's Mom and Dad)

Rachie, Babs, Kinsley, Tabitha, Gregg, Joe, and Marty - (My family)

Rachael and Robby (Her fiance)

Now, on to the restaurant! What fun we had!
Connie and Rachie touring the big aquarium in the middle of the restaurant!

Kinsley loved all of the sting rays and fish in the tank!

I took this picture on the other side of the aquarium...The small one that was in a wall...She could not understand why I was with the fish...

Poppy and Kinsley....She got tons of attention from everyone....She was a great trooper for all of this sitting and waiting on graduation!

We even got to see a diver feed all of the fish! WOW! Kinsley kept saying, Where is the Man?

Here we are riding the ride.....

Daddy letting her touch the sting ray, of course she did! She asked me if I wanted to touch it and I said NO!

Joe feeding it shrimp!

Gregg has his whole hand down his mouth in the back! UGH!

Kinsley did not want to stop....

Riding it again!

and again!

Got Joe to ride it this time!

and again....

Robby took some really cool shots of the buildings across the street! I put a link to his photography business he is doing on the side....

It truly was a wonderful day and we are so proud of Gregg and sticking with his goal he set out to reach!

We love you, Daddy!!!!!!
Love, Your Girls

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Beach - Day 1

~Gulf Shores~

Well, we set off for another adventure, June 19th at 4:45 in the morning...anxious to get to the beach! We were all excited and everyone traveled well. Gregg's back hurt a bit, but nothing a few days of the beach could not fix! We truly had the best time and could not have asked for a more perfect 7 days! Kinsley enjoyed herself and loved being with everyone at the beach.

Kinsley watching her movie and eating a snack in the car....Talking about the beach on the way down there!

We hit the ocean by 1, and are ready to enjoy our day at the beach.

Gregg points out some clams to Kinsley. She was amazed at all the creatures and of course wanted to touch them all!

Found a crab!

Checking out something else.

Making a sand Castle...

I could not handle the straps on the top anymore - so I was trying to fix them so they would not fall....Guess, that is what happens when you buy a bathing suit for $1.50~

Ready to hit the waves!

Back to playing in the sand. She enjoyed the beach so much and believe it or not played very well. I thought I would be tired and warn out from chasing her all over the place, but she basically stayed right there - playing and catching things.

Making another sand castle.

Joe showing her how to catch Fish! (She was a bit better than he was) hehe

Bringing in their catches....She even caught Jelly Fish....YUCK! She would say, I caught a Jelly Fish....we did not believe her, and then low and behold, there it was in her net! luckily, it did not have tentacles so it could not hurt her.

Bebe and Kinsley enjoyed the view!

A big handy bucket to catch fish and for Kinsley to wash off her hands, feet and mostly any part of her body!

Playing with her watering can, tongue out to get the job done right!

Snack time...Her favorite activity on the beach.

More snacks!

Snack in hand, haha! This was our joke...she would eat for an hour. She would look for the cooler and say, "Where's my 'whunch'?"

Kinsley is a little fish and we went back and forth between the beach and the pool. The Pool was on the ocean, and it was so nice to sit by the pool and watch her swim! She never wanted to get out!

We would come in around 3, and put her down for a nap, and then I would get ready, and then get her ready about an hour later...Since we were all of schedules, she stayed up to about 11, every night...but hey, it's vacation and we had a blast! Here we are heading to Godfather's Pizza, we go there the first night that we arrive and then head to the grocery store....Can't break traditions!

The view from our balcony ....

Kinsley in her big girl bed (air mattress) She loved sleeping on it, until about 5am...then she climbed in bed with us.

All tired, and ready for another day at the beach....