Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sprinkler Fun

It is going to be a record breaking summer...We can tell already! It is so hot and the only way to stay outside, is to enjoy the cool water! Well, Kinsley likes the thought of it....But wants us to run with her in the water....She does not want to brave the sprinkler without us. With Gregg's foot still healing form stitches, that leaves me....
Trying to get her to go into the sprinkler alone!

Now completely running around the sprinkler to not get wet at all! What must the neighbor's think! hehe

Now running on the other side of the sprinkler, it is getting to be quite funny!

Dora Tried to get her wet, well she will show her!

And off we go - through the sprinkler....I was more wet that she was - great!

"Why does Dora keep getting me wet?"

Finally, we have all had enough - we are hot, and had to come in and cool off...Kinsley decided to play Rock Band!

Either way, we had a great time, and it as always it is so fun to be around Kinsley and see what she will think of next!!!

Maybe our next sprinkler visit, will actually get us wet~

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Aquarium Fun

We kicked off the summer, by going straight to the aquarium. We had not been in awhile and Kinsley was dying to see the penguins and the butterflies - both her favorite! I was still working at the school, but met Gregg and Kinsley at the Aquarium for a lunch break! We all had a blast and of course, Kinsley enjoyed every minute of it! It was hard to go back to work when the two of them were heading for a nap! ugh!
My little cutie, outside of the aquarium - waiting to go in!

These are some of my favorite pictures, of her not looking at the camera...just being Kinsley!
And, then she likes to cheese up the camera!

This is why I love Chattanooga so much...Water and mountains - we have a perfect city!

And she cheeses AGAIN!

These birds should get a room!

Daddy and Kinsley looking at the sting rays!

Kinsley telling Mommy all about them

Heading to the butterflies....She loves touching them and holding them...She gets that from her Daddy for sure - the whole bug thing freaks me out! I swear they all try to land on me...

She caught one!

She fancied this fish!

And he fancied her...

Penguin's Rock Exhibit

After the aquarium, we head back to the car, but this time - she had to try out the water with her feet.

She is a ham, what Can I say?

She said it was cold!

Of course, the photographer in me, had to have some staged photos...

She even poses now and says cheese, and then tells me she is all done....She knows I could take and take and take pictures of her! I can't wait for the beach....

This one was my favorite....What a cutie, we have!

Until, our next adventure.....

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Well, summer is here for the Norris Family! We love the water and love to stay outside. Memorial Day kicked off our summer fun. We had BBQ at BeBe and Poppa's with the family. Of course, we got in the pool and had a blast. Kinsley stayed out all day and played in and around the pool. She watered the plants multiple times and got in the pool tons of times as well. She was beside herself with fun and every day she talks about going to BeBe's pool. Poppa of course, slept. Daddy sat around and watched - foot still trying to get better. BeBe laughed and watched Kinsley with every move she made. And the rest of us, Rachie, Joe, Robby and myself, swam and enjoyed the day.
Here are some of the pictures of our fun day.She loves her Uncle JoeJoe....He is so good with her and she adores him!

She is cruising around the pool.

She liked to run the car into everyone. She just laughed and laughed. She liked for everyone to splash but not to play fight.
One of the many times, she was out of the water!

And then back in - cruising again!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ada's 3rd Birthday Party

Kinsley had the best time at Ada's birthday. Her party was given by her Mom and Dad (Jill and Zac) but was at her Drammie's house (Dianna). The backyard was perfect for the water party. Toys were set up, pools and slip and slides. The weather was great, since it was in the afternoon and friends and family were all over the place. Their family reminds me so much of our large family...all getting together and having a great time.

It was nice to sit and relax with Dianna and to know that we were done with Kids for the year! Sigh....
Kinsley on the slip and slide, aka, for her, walk and walk!

And more walking....

Kinsley at the water table

In the pool....

Pool fun with Ada's cousins.

Kinsley heading back to Mommy and Daddy! Don't get to far!

Hanging out in the pool again! She was loving being out in the water!

We had a huge cookout and we ate on our blankets in the backyard - which Kinsley just thought was the best, aside from drinking out of princess big girl cup!

Sprinkler fun, she has no idea, they were turning it on - hehe

But then she figures it out! R-U-N

Staying to the outside edge of the sprinkler....Who would want to get wet????

Out with the bubbles....

Kinsley was having a blast!

The party went crazy when Chris got the water guns out and the big kids and adults started having a water fight. Gregg told Kinsley to pour water on Me with a cup he was drinking from and dang that girl, if she did not have an accurate aim. She soaked my front...while I was standing up telling everyone and getting on to Gregg...She filled up her cup again and did the back of me....With my pants being white and a bit see-through...I decided we should leave....It was a bit chilly for me....heheh

Here are Ada and Kinsley having a great time at the party!

We had a great time and it was one of the best birthday parties we had attended in a while- fun for all ages!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Gregg's College Graduation Party

HE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!

We were super excited to find out, that Gregg got his degree! After many years of working hard and determination - he finished! We will be attending graduation in a couple of weeks where we are making him walk!!! But we wanted to celebrate the day by having all of our friends over to share in his accomplishments! He of course, wanted it low key and not a big deal...We compromised for a Big CookOut! It was a perfect day and I was so glad to see all of our family and friends sharing in our excitement!

Tons of our food! Mom and Dad helped so much with the cooking. We could not have fed over 65 people without them! Thanks!!!!

Kinsley was loving all the people over and getting party! But mostly, she sure loves her DADDY!!

The proud family!!!

Gregg, the graduate and the proud wife, Tabitha

The party in full swing - with tons of guest all over the backyard!

Blake, enjoying his dinner!

Mason rocking out on the back porch!

Joe, not wanting his picture taken - He gets that genetically in this family!

Ashton, hiding out on the back porch!
Some of the guest, waiting to get the Hamburgers and Hot Dogs and all the extras!

Tracy, braved the day with her twins, Brock (Shown) and Bailey as well as Ashton and husband Charlie! (Our Notre Dame Family)

McKenzie, Ashton and Blake

Mason, showing off his skills on the swingset!

Gregg, with his friend Randall and his wife Amber, and a lot of the party goers in the background

Love was in the air when Maddux made the move on Bailey!

He could not get enough!

Bailey, showing off her skills on the Zebra!

Aiden and Cole on the swings!

Mason and Kelly

Cole, Allie and Avery playing in the Playground

Kinsley enjoyed lunch with her Nonnie and Poppy, as well as Mandy, Blake and McKenna! She loves all the attention she gets from them!

Signs, on the mailbox and backyard...showing our excitement!

Family and Friends

Aunt Gail loving on Kinsley

And still loving...

Brock showing off his new fancy walking feet!

Our pretty princess! She is such a model!

The party is over and Kinsley decides instead of helping clean up, she will eat some more!Mommy and Kinsley bought Daddy lots of presents quite some time ago - we kept it a secret for 4 months!!!!

Gregg got his New X-Box 360, that he has been dreaming of - since forever!
Extra controller and tons of accessories to make the console complete!

ROCK BAND!!!! We were all excited about this one!

So we got the house cleaned and back in order and then we put Kinsley to bed and ROCKED OUT! Gregg was the best at drums, but Joe was a close second!

Rachie and I were on vocals (um scary) but we had a great time!

Robby played the guitar, which he was an expert at - of course!
Rock on, Daddy!
The next morning, we were still rocking out - Kinsley wanted to give it a try and she loved it!