Monday, March 24, 2008

Kinsley's Birthday At School

We have partied and partied....but one last party must be made! Kinsley is in the Sugar Bears room and Ms. Darlene has made a big deal out of her birthday....We bring in snacks and party down. Kinsley loved the attention and all of us being there. My family came to the party as well.
Mom was waking Kinsley up from her nap - so the party could get started.

And the party begins...A bit dull with 2 years olds, ironically. I guess they are still sleeping and really enjoying their ice cream.

How can it be that our baby is 2!

Decorations! She has the best teacher!

Joe was a party pooper...I said why not show some excitement for your only neice's birthday....He said this is the 4th party I have been to for her in the last month....hehe....Ok, so we might have over-did it a bit! But she only turns 2, once....or twice, or three times ok, four times! hehe

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