Saturday, March 15, 2008

Kinsley's 2nd Birthday Party

Well, we can't believe it....Kinsley's birthday party was today! We started the day off with a cupcake in bed. We sang Happy Birthday to her and she was loving all of the attention.
She enjoyed it so!

We had to clean the bed after this little 'idea'


We had her birthday at the zoo. Invited all of the family and friends and were ready to party!
Pizza, cupcake and ice cream....What more could you want....ANIMALS~~

Kinsley enjoyed some food!

Animals were all around!
The guest started to arrive. Emily, Micah, Ava and Jenn

Dillon and Becky
Some of the gang
Carson and McKenna
Ms. Darlene and Kinsley
Kinsley and Blake
Kinsley sharing her pizza with her Poppy

Poppy stealing a kiss

More of the gang

Charlie (aka, Charwee, as Kinsley calls him) and Ashton

Of course, BeBe was entertaining the guest.

Poppy stealing a hug this time!

Ready to party! Cupcake time...
She started blowing out her candles before the song ended.


Aunt Mary talking with Kinsley

The party table

Uncle JoeJoe
Nonnie, with the twins

Amber, Randall and Maddux
Emily and Ava
Kinsley loved all the animals around the room. It was neat that they left so many out to let the kids view them.


Nonnie feeds Kinsley some ice cream.
Blake and McKenna enjoying seeing the rabbits.

Kicia and Avery

The Notre Dame Crew

All the presents

And Kinsley could not wait to open them.
Where's Kinsley - tissue covers her face...GiGi presses on though.

Oh wow!


Look at that, McKenna

She sure loved all the presents!

She's now on her bicycle that her BeBe and Poppa got her...that was the only way she would finish opening her presents....she loved the bike.

Now onto the petting zoo....
Wow, the snake....She was not scared at all.

Neither was Carson

And then there she goes...Holding the nasty thing!

She touches every single animal they bring out.

Alicia and McKenna try to sneak out....McKenna is a mother hen.

Darlene does not like the TURTLE! It was hilarious.

Getting some love from her Poppa
Kyle and Nick
Off on the bike again...

Up, Up and Away

It was a great day....Even with the rain!!!

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