Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break 2008

Spring Break is here and not a moment too soon! We are all ready for a good break. Kinsley is part time this week and we have tons of playdates going on....Here are some of our pics!

We went to the Aquarium with Carson, Camden and Kelly....Of course, they all had a blast!
Carson hanging out by the tank.

Carson hanging out with the scuba man...Kinsley did not want to get near that crazy man!

We then had our friends over to play in the newely finished backyard!
Kinsley, waiting patiently for her friends to arrive.

Ava is the first to arrive and she is ready to drive around town!

Carson arrived and join the girls on the swingset. Emily gets the fun job of pushing the crew.

Carson doesn't understand why it won't go down...It's a slow ride!

Carson pushes Kinsley around the backyard - She was a bit nervous since he was going in a hole.

Now Camden joins the two on the swings and Kelly starts pushing! Seems this may be our whole summer!

Kinsley is so good with Camden and patient with him.
Carson, also takes great care of Kinsley and helps her all the time.
They all play so good together.

Kelly has fun pulling all the kids - hehe

Kinsley feeds Carson some Banana. They are BFF's now.

Carson finds the Banana on his on...

We went to the Zoo with BeBe, Poppa, Joe, Daddy and Mommy! Kinsley was so excited everyone went with us, since it is normally just Mommy and Kinsley.

Of course, here she is showing everyone where to go and carrying her purse.

We stopped here one time last year and had a snack and cooled off (since it has A/C) well she has never forgotten...We stop here EVERY TIME for a snack and a rest. She likes dancing in here too.

There's Hank...Showing off his bootie!

Hi Hank!

Kinsley showing off her muscles!

We spent then end of the weekend at Nonnie and Poppy's.....

The twins are growing up so fast. Kinsley adores them and they do her too. They play really good together.

Kinsley's Birthday At School

We have partied and partied....but one last party must be made! Kinsley is in the Sugar Bears room and Ms. Darlene has made a big deal out of her birthday....We bring in snacks and party down. Kinsley loved the attention and all of us being there. My family came to the party as well.
Mom was waking Kinsley up from her nap - so the party could get started.

And the party begins...A bit dull with 2 years olds, ironically. I guess they are still sleeping and really enjoying their ice cream.

How can it be that our baby is 2!

Decorations! She has the best teacher!

Joe was a party pooper...I said why not show some excitement for your only neice's birthday....He said this is the 4th party I have been to for her in the last month....hehe....Ok, so we might have over-did it a bit! But she only turns 2, once....or twice, or three times ok, four times! hehe

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Kinsley's Easter Birthday

What a blessing to share Easter! Kinsley's 2nd Birthday landed on Easter Sunday and it was a wonderful day! We got up early to the 7:30 mass, since we knew all the other mass times would be really busy. I have to say she was super cute. I just adored her blue gingham dress. It was really cold. What was weird it was really warm the day before when we did her Easter pictures in the park. Go figure...Chattanooga Weather!

We had a big dinner for Kinsley at BeBe and Poppa's. Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe came for the visit as well. Rachie, Joe and Robby also spent the day with us. We got her a cake from Heidi, at Sweet Promises Bakery. She does the best - we wanted to be an Easter Cake as well. Of course, she did a fabulous job. Here are the pictures of her 2nd birthday on Easter Sunday. Along with Easter Basket fun and an Easter Hunt.

The Easter Bunny left some fun outdoor toys for Kinsley! She was quite excited and ready to play with every single one of them.
Playing with one of her Games! She loves this one!

Oh wow....what else did I get?

The Easter Bunny even left one over at BeBe's...

Showing off her sunglasses the Easter Bunny left her!

Hi Guys!

Sophie across the street, sent another basket of goodies over for her!
Wow, obviously our Easter Bunny at our house, needs to work on presentation!
Kinsley adores her Aunt Mary! She was so glad to see her!

Oh yum, What a perfect Cake!

Kinsley loves when we sing Happy Birthday...We've been celebrating it a lot - so sings to herself all the time!

She was ready to jump into that cake...It was as good as you would have guessed!

Some fun presents....She wanted Aunt Mary to help open them.

Playing some of her new games...Games are her favorite.

More games...

Kinsley's day just keeps getting better and better...Now we are on to the Easter Egg Hunt outside!

I found one! Showing Aunt Mary, Uncle Joe and BeBe, who sat inside and watched.

Checking out her stash.

Finding another one....

She was having a blast!

BeBe and myself stuffed all the eggs with candy - and now Kinsley is ready to collect!

Sophie enjoyed the annual Easter Egg hunt, as well as Bryceson and Will.

Kinsley and Aunt Mary - March 23, 2008