Saturday, May 16, 2009

Joe's Baccalaureate

We had Joe's Baccalaureate at St. Peter and Paul's Catholic Church - it is amazingly beautiful. Kinsley is always good in church, but I knew this would be packed - so I got a new sticker book for the occasion - so mom and dad could watch and listen...We had to see up in the balcony right beside the band and singers - and we could see everything and with 40 foot ceilings - Kinsley said - I can't do these stickers right now and just sat there and looked all around - it was amazing.

Mom cried a lot - For Joe who was graduating and for Rachie who is so sick. We had to get someone to sit with her so we could go. She did great with Becky and Jenn and seemed to be feeling better than she has in a long time - so that was good news for us all.

Joe was so proud - we took tons of pictures afterwards with his friends and Joe went out with Luke and his family along with Houston afterwards. We all went home and finished working on the party stuff for tomorrow.

It's going to be a fun day!

These three boys are always at the house playing's almost like I have three brothers instead of 1...Kinsley adores them both and calls Houston (Middle) ----- WHOuston...her boyfriend!!!

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