Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Kinsley's Recycling Night

Kinsley's school had a recycling night- They collected all kinds of things and then re-used them in a creative way. It was a great night and it raised money for the school's new playground they are hoping to get soon. Enjoy!
Baby Ellie watching Kinsley and Ada jump! We have to look in on Baby Ellie everyday as we leave - she loves her!!! (Ellie is Ada's little sister - which I teach with Ada's grandmother - Dianna and worked with Ada's mom at camp)

Kinsley and Emma

Kinsley and Ada

Kinsley and Aubry - funny thing about her - before Kinsley started Jones - we were at the beach in Gulf Shores and Aubry was there - They ended up playing together and we started talking - VERY SMALL WORLD

She loved having her face painted

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