Friday, April 24, 2009

CFA - Stuffed Animal Drive

The CFA (Kinsley Craniofacial Foundation she is apart of) gives out Cleft lip bears to patients that have had surgery with Dr. Sargent - Recently they have started giving stuffed animals to patients with other craniofacial problems....My school did a Stuffed Animal Drive for all the teachers....They could wear jeans for a week if they brought in a stuffed animal. I collected almost 80 stuffed animals for the foundation.
Kinsley and I delivered the animals to the CFA and I can't tell you how rewarding it is...Kinsley thought it was wonderful and I told her we were giving these out to the children that have booboo's...She didn't even want to keep any of them...she wanted to give them all away.

I have since then collected three more large bags full...So when we go to our yearly appt in about 2 weeks, I am going to deliver more - she is so excited!!

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