Sunday, April 26, 2009

Avery's Birthday

Kinsley's friend had her third birthday at the park - They had a great time together!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

CFA Camp

This was our third year at the CFA and we had a blast! Kinsley did archery and canoeing this year which was new and she keeps talking about it. She can't get over the archery. She loved playing with her friends and being outdoors. It's amazing to reconnect and be able to talk to other parents about your experiences and past experiences. CFA puts this annual camp on each year and I am still simply amazed at how all the kids come together!

Megan is the woman....She brought her three kids - by herself -while 9 months pregnant. She gave birth to little Robby a few days later!!!!! WOW I told her I could deliver if need be - hehe

Oh what a day....Heading Home on that crazy road. Kinsley fell right asleep...

She passed out - not even 1 minute on the road!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Field Trip at My School

Kinsley came to school with me today to go on our field trip to the Chattanooga Zoo. The kids were amazing and Kinsley had a blast. Here are some pics of Kinsley as we were leaving school today!

CFA - Stuffed Animal Drive

The CFA (Kinsley Craniofacial Foundation she is apart of) gives out Cleft lip bears to patients that have had surgery with Dr. Sargent - Recently they have started giving stuffed animals to patients with other craniofacial problems....My school did a Stuffed Animal Drive for all the teachers....They could wear jeans for a week if they brought in a stuffed animal. I collected almost 80 stuffed animals for the foundation.
Kinsley and I delivered the animals to the CFA and I can't tell you how rewarding it is...Kinsley thought it was wonderful and I told her we were giving these out to the children that have booboo's...She didn't even want to keep any of them...she wanted to give them all away.

I have since then collected three more large bags full...So when we go to our yearly appt in about 2 weeks, I am going to deliver more - she is so excited!!