Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gingerbread House

Well, we have been trying to make our Gingerbread House for - forever! But we have all been sick and hopefully it will leave us soon....It seems like it won't!

We finally made the cutest Gingerbread house ever....because Kinsley helped! She had the best time (eating the goodies as we went) and drawing in all the wrong places as well - but that was what was just so stinkin cute!

I had made the front walk way and I was very proud of it...Then I see Kinsley adding some details to it...She put a whole bunch of candy in a line and said - "Look, I made a caterpillar on the walkway!" Who knew I would think it was the cutest thing ever - so unique - So perfect!

Mom helped us and she was very serious about the whole thing.

She was very serious - just like BeBe!

Evidence of her eating all the things on the house!

This is the first one I had ever made as we think it by far the best!
See that cute little caterpillar

Kinsley added the red blood splotches all over the snowman to the right

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