Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning

I never knew how awesome Christmas could honestly be until you see it threw the eyes of your child. Kinsley was so cute about everything and loved everything she got. She wanted a baby and she got them....She also got the carrier and high chair - as well as the diaper bag. She was so cute...She woke up and said - Hurry Daddy, Santa's Here!! She thought he was coming and staying instead of dropping the presents off. She was okay with him being gone though when she saw all of his goodies.

All her goodies

Getting her stocking...

Holding up My gift...A remote control starter for my car....Gregg had it installed and everything...I love it!!!

And she is off to take it to her playroom...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, I love the p.j.s! You all are so beautiful! I hope you had a wonderful holiday! The pictures are great!