Wednesday, November 12, 2008

One of the Best Days of My Life

As everyone knows Kinsley was born with cleft lip and the very tip of her palate was affected. Dr. Sargent was able to fix the palate as well with the other surgery, but there is still a bit of an opening. I often wonder if another surgery will be in our future. She never has had a tooth there it is just a gap and a tiny opening....though no one would ever notice even when she smiles! I've often wondered if she would have a tooth or not...My friend, Megan's little boy got his baby tooth when he was three so I was hopeful, but not optimistic.
Tonight at Target, actually talking to another Mom that I had been talking with because her daughter was born with a cleft lip and palate and I was telling her not to worry about her lip still being up a bit after surgery and was showing her something in Kinsley's mouth and saw a tiny white dot on her gum and realized it was a tooth that had just broke the gum. I cried right there in Target, so excited for Kinsley and relieved at the same time! I called Mom and of course, cried again!! I always cry when I am telling her something....Maybe it is because I know I can just be myself and let free my emotions. I hope Kinsley and I have that same type of relations as we do.

It has been probably one of my best days! It is so wonderful that God continues to bless this wonderful and precious child! I am so lucky God chose me to be her Mom!!!

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