Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I had her outfit made and I just love it....Jerae had bought the matching purse for Christmas, so of course, we had to find an outfit to go with it. Accessorize the accessory!!! Anyway, we found a bow to match...but a darn shirt was harder to come up with. We went all over town looking for a turquoise turtleneck - That is what I wanted, but to no avail it was no where. Well, she is cute anyway! Enjoy the photoshoot and the pics of Thanksgiving.
We are so blessed to have such a big family and it is so fun getting together and having a grea time...not too mention mapping out the sale papers as to where we are going on Friday!!!!!!

Dad cleans....all the time!

What we all look forward to on Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!

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