Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tabitha's Actual Birthday

On my birthday we shared dinner at Big River, One of our favorite restaurants. We then went on a search for Thomas the Train. We heard he would be in town for the weekend (But we would not be) so went on a hunt for him. We went the to the TN Valley RR Museum (after hours). I thought we would be arrested! This post, may put us into a bit of legal issues! (We may have to delete the incriminating evidence)!
After Thomas, we went down to the river for Kinsley to play on the playground. She had a blast! Since we were downtown, we visited Poppa at the firehall. But, only very quickly, he had to leave because of call.
We then went to BeBe's house to give a hug to the rest of the family and then we all went home to bed. We had a great day, just seeing Kinsley have so much fun - which made my birthday the best!

Thomas The Train - She loves him! She was so excited to see him. Gregg and Kinsley broke in (though it was unlocked) and jumped the trains to go see him. There were some guys working on some other trains and they let her look around. She was so excited to see the train!

Heading up to see the trains!

Out little princess!

Jumping the trains - Mommy stayed behind!

Here is Kinsley sitting on one of the TN Trains!

A pic I took while the two fugitives were running wild!

Heading back to the car - she was so excited and still talking about Thomas!

Kinsley swinging by the river! Her favorite thing to do!

She is sliding down the stairs - she just had to do it!

Here we go!!!!

Go Kinsley!

On Poppa's Firetruck!

What a great day we all had!

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