With Kinsley playing a huge part, I've met some wonderful people at the Cranifacial Foundation and have already helped quite a few parents through the Parent - To - Parent Network we created a year ago. The support group is such a wonderful asset to the CFA and feel so helpful when I talk to new moms. God has blessed us with a perfect angel and I hope through her I can reach out and touch others.
There was nothing like this in place when I found out about Miss. Kinsley and literally (YOU KNOW) could not function. Farther Mike helped Gregg and I so much that he will truly never know how grateful I am to him. With him, he brought Megan Monohan into my life. Megan and I have now started this wonderful support group and are literally helping patients and parents in of the Craniofacial Office in Chattanooga.
And now I see WHY God Chose Kinsley - when I asked so many times WHY WHY WHY - Why Kinsley? Now I understand that God chose us for Kinsley's parents too because he knew we would do what ever was needed to get her the best help and would learn how to take care of her.
Check out the website because Kinsley was the featured story for the Newsletter for Dr. Sargent's office - it was then put on the website.
I remember it like it was yesterday, a day I will never forget. You pray everyday for a healthy baby. When the day comes that they give you bad news, you are never prepared. It doesn't matter if it's big or small, when something is wrong with your child, you are devastated. During an ultrasound on Juanuary 11, 2006, my husband and I found out our baby girl had a cleft lip and 95% sure there was a cleft palate. The next day we met with Terri Farmer of Dr. Sargent's group. She was great and took us through everything we needed to know. The meeting was a blur because I sat and cried and my husband hardly spoke. In less than 24 hours our whole life changed. My mom asked questions for us and took notes. I left with a lot more knowledge, but I was still an emotional wreck. There was no question as to who would do her surgery. Dr. Sargent came with an amazing reputation.
Those first few weeks I was in a fog and cried all the time. I prayed and asked everyone to pray as well. After talking with my priest, I finally accepted what coul not be changed, moved on, and decided to be happy for the remaining months of my pregnancy. One day, my husband said, "So she will be born with a busted lip". We knew humor would get us through. I learned how to take care of her and what I would need. When delivery time arrived, I had such calmess because I knew she was in God's hands. At delivery, the doctors told us wonderful news that it was only her lip and the tip of her palate.
A month later we met with Dr. Sargent, and he said she would only require one surgery where he would repair her lip and gum. On July 19, 2006, it was time for surgery. At 4-1/2 months old, we had to hand over our sweet baby girl with the most beautiful wide smile. After surgery, Kinsley and I got in a routine of feeding, diapering, and bathing that worked well for us. 2-1/2 weeks later, we went back and had the Durabond removed, the nose stints out, and the NoNo's off. Kinsley took a normal bottle for the first time. I cried the whole time. She was beautiful before, but D. Sargent made her even more so afterwards. We are so appreciative of him. He is the most talented and gifted surgeon, and who knew he was right her, in Chattanooga, the whole time.
I feel so lucky to be Kinsley's mom and now I get to show her off to the world.
Kinsley was born with a left unilateral cleft lip, that went through her whole lip and nose, the tip of her hard palate was affected, but not resulting in a full cleft palate. (Our little miracle)
Me holding her the following morning...She was so tiny and sweet. We were already all in love.
Sun Bathing, to get rid of the jaundice. This picture still remains on my fridge...I remember it like it was yesterday.
She rested a lot in the 2 weeks after surgery
Just got the stitches out! Durabond will hold her lip together for another 2 weeks. Stints continue to stay in her nose to avoid, the nose from collapsing.
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