Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Carson's 5th Birthday

Carson is one of Kinsley's best friends. We are always together with him and his little brother on days off and in the summer....So Kinsley talked about this party all day long. She had a blast...It was at Play World Down Under - Kinsley loved it!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

GiGi's 4th Birthday Party

It's hard to believe but our kids keep growing up - GiGi turned 4 today and had a birthday party at the Little Gym. Kinsley was excited to do Gymnastics as well as see her friends. She had a great time....

Hang on....

Little Luke, Gigi's brother and Cathy her Mom!
(Cathy and I worked together at RES, years ago and Howie (Dad) worked at Notre Dame with Gregg and I....Small world...

Walker and Wednesday - who I went to High School with and also taught with - which is how Cathy and her met through RES~ I wish both would come back!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Chub Cay, Bahamas Day 1

Our family trip started in East Ridge where we boarded the shuttle...and went to Atlanta. We made it to Atlanta with no problems and before we knew it we were in the air heading to the Bahamas. The kids were great flying down and were anxious to get to house! It was an early morning and they all did great. We flew to Nassau and then took a little 8 seater plane to Chub Cay. The tiny plane ride was amazing as you saw many islands in The Bahamas.

Here is Kinsley snacking on the plane. She ate and played the whole way down there...

The 8 seat plane we took to Chub Cay.

Walking to the plane
The kids thought it was so cool to be walking to the plane.

The girls warn out from the day's activities.

Kinsley under the wing of the plane.

Blake co-piloting the plane.

Mommy and Kinsley on the plane....Ready for our vacation to begin...

Kinsley looking out the window seeing the scenery.

Nassau, Bahamas

Kinsley feel asleep on the 12 MINUTE plane ride!!!!! The only nap of the day!

Flying to the island. Chub Cay, Bahamas
Landing on the runway in Chub Cay.

The airport...WOW!

We had an amazing condo. We had the whole upstairs th at had a huge bathroom and an amazing balcony...that we enjoyed every morning.

This was half of our bathroom. The left is our shower and it was huge, with a big window in it looking at the ocean...It was hard to get out of the shower!

We hit the beach as soon as we got to the condo. It was amazing seeing Conch shells all over the beach.

A map of The Bahamas, showing how tiny Chub Cay actually is...

Chub Cay, Bahamas Day 2

It's amazing waking up, and you know you are in one of the prettiest places on Earth. It simply was beautiful every day. No rain, no bad weather - just great - especially thinking of it cold and rainy at home.

Our porch that we went to every morning and relaxed for about an hour before heading downstairs with the rest of the family.

Heading to the beach...

I love this picture of Kinsley with the twins...I can't believe how big they are now...They played so good together and Kinsley loved being there with her "cousins."

Some of the condos on the island. There were a total of 100 people on the island, including workers.

You had to drive around on golf carts. Which the kids loved!

The Beach
Nonnie, with the 'girls'

Gregg snorkeling and loving it. He found all kinds of things and brought it up to the kids to see. He brought up fresh conch, starfish, sand dollars and other things as well. The kids loved seeing and holding it in their hands.

Gregg bringing something else up!

Kinsley holds her first Starfish.

and then Blake...

They played with this one and 2 others for quite a while.

You could walk forever out and still be hardly standing in the water. The kids loved that...Kinsley did not want them to get too far away, since I did not let her go as far as they did.

Kinsley on the back porch.

Blake and Kinsley checking out their findings of the day. (McKenna was sick in her room)

Gregg and his Dad took the boat to check the water before heading out to the tongue of the ocean...where the water is unchartable and the seas are a bit higher than normal, but the fish is amazing! We never let the kids out on the boat...so just the boys went out fishing.
Gregg had the time of his life! He loves fishing!

The kids and I went sight seeing on the island...And this is what we found.

The police department...wow!

The church

The main road....

We had fresh coconuts.

Kinsley testing out the water...it was COLD!

What a day...Kinsley fell asleep while I was in my (endless) shower. She was passed out when I came out of the shower...she just could not make it another minute!

Kinsley eating at the bar...she loved sitting up there while I was in the kitchen!

The kids hanging out watching TV